Exciting News!

I’ve got two bits of exciting news!

That’s my excited face.

I’m branching out.

For the last three years, writing A Big Mouthful has been an incredible way to express my love of food and cooking.

Wonderfully, it has led to some new and exciting opportunities that I’m thrilled to be able to explore.

First, I’m going to be doing a bi-weekly blog post for local South Sound/Tacoma produce delivery service Terra Organics called Fresh from A Big Mouthful.

Remember when I was their first Member Spotlight? From there, we realized that it would be a great match for me to do a guest blog for them.

Look for original, seasonal recipes and fresh food stories starting in April.

Second, I’m the new restaurant/food writer for the Weekly Volcano, the best source for arts, music, food and entertainment in the greater Tacoma and Olympia area.

Jennifer Johnson has been the Weekly Volcano’s food writer for the last three years, and I’ll be doing my best to carry on her good work. Read her “Passing the Fork” post to learn more.

I’m super excited to delve into both opportunities, and I’m looking forward to the challenge.

Of course, I will still be writing recipes, cooking and posting here at A Big Mouthful.

2012 is off to a wonderful start.

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